Trip Plan
The map shows Bob's planned route, 1,200 miles down the coast from Portland, OR to Santa Barbara, CA, plus another 100 miles from Portland to reach the coast. He's carrying all of his gear in 4 panniers. Since he will be camping out on some nights, Bob needs to carry not only clothing and bicycle maintenance gear, but also a tent, stove and sleeping bag. (See his gear list and photos of the loaded bicycle.) His plan is to do a leisurely (?) 70 miles per day.

The route map is from Google Maps. The black circles show where Bob's trip deviates from the Google directions for pedestrians. Google's route is further inland, and their route for motorists is yet futher east, running straight down interstate Route 5.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hooray! Bob has reached Santa Barbara, where he is staying with a friend till his flight back on Thursday. He and Cameron rolled in today around 11:00, after a final 25 mile ride from Goleta. This is Bob's first night indoors since Half Moon Bay, last Wednesday evening.

Bob has already packed up his bicycle and brought it to FedEx, for shipping back to Boston. Bob will spend tomorrow reading a book at the beach. He considered a final bicycle ride and then shipping his bicycle back, but opted for the book and the beach. He flies back to Boston on Thursday.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Bob and Cameron bicycled to Goleta, where they stayed right on the beach at Refugio State Beach. (Refugio is yet another California State Park, so there are camping facilities and showers.) They camped amidst the palm trees, and, with no fog, had a front row seat for the Milky Way.

For more on Bob's trip, see week 1, week 2 and week 3.