Elephant Seals
Photo from California State Parks
Refugio State Beach Park
Photo from Google Earth
Santa Barbara: The End!
Photo from Google Maps
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Bob and Cameron rode from the San Simeon area to Morro Bay, where Bob called me at lunch time, once again expecting not to have much cell phone reception in the campground. They rode along the Big Sur coast, but, unfortunately, it was foggy and they didn't see much. They did see a large group of elephant seals along the way.

They're planning on bicycling to just beyond San Luis Obispo. It will be a relatively short day (a mere 55-60 miles), since they're expecting a long, hilly day tomorrow. They're expecting to end the day just about 100 miles short of Santa Barbara, 1,200 miles down, 100 to go.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Bob and Cameron bicycled to Goleta, where they stayed right on the beach at Refugio State Beach. (Refugio is yet another California State Park, so there are camping facilities and showers.) They camped amidst the palm trees, and, with no fog, had a front row seat for the Milky Way.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hooray! Bob has reached Santa Barbara, where he is staying with a friend till his flight back on Thursday. He and Cameron rolled in today around 11:00, after a final 25 mile ride from Goleta. This is Bob's first night indoors since Half Moon Bay, last Wednesday evening.

Bob has already packed up his bicycle and brought it to FedEx, for shipping back to Boston. Bob will spend tomorrow reading a book at the beach. He considered a final bicycle ride and then shipping his bicycle back, but opted for the book and the beach. He flies back to Boston on Thursday.
For more on Bob's trip to this point, see week 1 and week 2.